Unique to the Optometry Blog is our Pre-registration arena which caters for those candidates preparing for the College of Optometrists Scheme for Registration or the Examination for Non-EEA qualified Optometrists.
Designed as a continually evolving information resource the Pre-Reg arena provides a wealth of resources which are all designed to help you pass first time.
All of the information available has been designed and administered by current College of Optometrists Examiners and Assessors so that the arena is a wealth of resources whether you are focussed on the present or the near future:
Ask the threads, put you directly in touch with our team of experienced College Examiners and Assessors, where you can ask questions or exchange experiences for other candidates to share
Regular articles on tricky subjects such and Dispensing and Binocular Vision
Online lectures and useful downloads which focus on areas which have been requested by existing or previous Pre-Registration candidates
When you qualify, the Pre-Registration arena also provides you access to Flame Healths team of fully trained and experienced consultants who can offer impartial and confidential sector information or if you are looking for a new role, provide you with a fast and efficient consultancy based service designed to find your ideal role.